So Why Autoflowers?

Autoflower cannabis strains offer distinct advantages over their Photoperiod counterparts, particularly for growers seeking convenience and resilience. One key benefit lies in their independence from strict light schedules. Photoperiod strains require precise manipulation of light cycles to initiate flowering, often necessitating specialized grow rooms and equipment. Autoflowers, on the other hand, are genetically programmed to flower based on age rather than light exposure. This makes them ideal for growers with limited space or those who prefer a more hands-off approach, as they can be grown in diverse environments without the need for elaborate lighting schedules or setups.

For me personally, power outages are a real threat and sometimes long term thing where I live. With Autoflower plants , I don’t have to worry about a 24 hour power outage kicking my plants into flower or shocking them for 2 weeks. They will simply pick up where they left off when the lights come back on, or put them in the window light for the day without worry.

Another significant advantage of Autoflowers is their genetic heritage from Cannabis Ruderalis, a hardy strain native to harsh climates. Ruderalis has evolved to withstand challenging conditions and has developed natural resistance to various diseases and pests. By incorporating Ruderalis genetics into Autoflower strains, breeders have endowed these plants with enhanced resilience and fast lifecycle. This means that Autoflowers are less susceptible to common cannabis ailments like powdery mildew, spider mites, and various fungal infections. This reduced vulnerability to diseases and pests translates into healthier plants and higher yields, even for novice growers. Some people think this equates to more hemp in the genetics = less potency. For many years that may have been true but through selective breeding, autos are catching up fast and with a whole different plethora of terpenes from their family on the other side of the world.

For seasoned growers, Autoflowers simplify the process, allowing for more experimentation and creativity in cultivation techniques. For novices, they provide an accessible entry point, with an increased likelihood of a fruitful harvest. As a pioneer in the seed breeding realm, Bean Genie Automatics is committed to offering an array of exotic Autoflower seeds that embody innovation and quality. Embrace the future of cannabis cultivation with our carefully curated seeds and experience the benefits of Autoflowering strains today.


The Entourage Effect


The Importance of Terpenes over everything else